Five Tips for Challenge Bowl Success

AAPA 2018 is just around the corner, and PA programs around the country are starting to get ready for the ultimate PA student event: AAPA National Medical Challenge Bowl. Get advice, study tips, and strategy advice from past winners and finalists.

Minnesotans Take the PA Message to Capitol Hill #PAsontheHill

Three Minnesota PAs approached their Capitol Hill day with a sense of duty and urgency to make the case for PAs and their patients with legislators. “Every PA needs to do something, even if it is small. We don’t have to be political junkies; we just need to speak up, whether it is with a legislator or in the clinic, it all matters. We can’t lay the responsibility for advocacy on a few. Everyone has to contribute in some measure to benefit our patients.”

PA Leads Cheers for Philly Eagles and Her Patients

The medical scrubs she wears to the urgent care center are drastically different than the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleading uniform she wears on game day. But whether PA Snow Feng is cheering in front of a worldwide audience or attending to a patient one-on-one, she remains focused on her practice, her community and her team.

Olympic Skiers and Snowboarders Benefit from PA Care

As the 2018 Olympics began, PA Kyle Wilkens, 52, was on hand as director of medical services for U.S. Ski & Snowboard, the federation governing America’s national teams in those sports. He also works four days a month in a sports medicine and orthopedic surgery practice in Park City, Utah. Read about Wilkens’ preparation for and experience during and after the 2018 Winter Olympic games.

Distinguished Fellows Share Motivations for AAPA Recognition

AAPA’s Distinguished Fellow program recognizes PAs who demonstrate outstanding dedication to the profession – whether through leadership, community service, professional involvement or distinction, or lifelong learning. Here, Distinguished Fellows encourage others to receive the recognition they deserve for being experienced PAs and working to advance the profession. Find out more and apply today.

Oral Health Initiatives Help PAs Make a Difference for Patients

Oral health can be a neglected part of overall healthcare for children and adults because it is often taken for granted. The lead PA for AAPA’s special interest group PAs for Oral Health describes why it is important to address this issue.

PA Leads National Stop the Bleed Day

In 2016, Major Andrew Fisher, MPAS, APA, PA-C, saw a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine study that found that up to 20 percent of U.S. trauma deaths could be prevented. Fisher had been involved for years with a bleeding control training program and became an instructor for the American College of Surgeons’ Stop the Bleed program. Then he partnered with others to start an advocacy campaign called National Stop the Bleed Day on March 31st.

Volunteer to Lead Your Profession!

The PA profession is among the most sought-after careers for young people today, in large part because of the PA leaders who devoted themselves to the profession and to future PAs who would follow in their footsteps. They invested their ideas, energy, passion, and leadership on behalf of their colleagues and the future of PA practice. AAPA is looking for these dedicated leaders – are you one of them?