An American PA in the UK

The New England Journal of Medicine features a guest blog post by PA Megan Tetlow, from Fort Myers, Fla., who is working in Sheffield, England, as part of the UK's National Physician Associate Expansion Program. She practices in gynecologic oncology.  Tetlow writes that she's always dreamed about living and working in another country, and now she wants to share what she's learned with other PAs.

Puerto Rico: The final frontier for PA licensure

Josue Droz, PA-C, always wanted to return home. Born in Puerto Rico, he was a child when his family moved to the continental United States. “It’s always been my heart’s desire to move back here,” he says. So after he became a PA, he joined the movement to bring PA legislation to the island.

New MGMA report on PA & NP utilization released

Healthcare industry influencer Medical Group Management Association recently released a new research report and analysis that found 78 percent of better performing medical practices employ PAs and NPs.

More patients… More complex patients

If it seems like you are seeing more patients these days, and that they have more health problems than they used to, that’s because you probably are. The absolute number of patients seeking care is increasing, and many more patients have multiple chronic conditions than they did a generation, or even a decade, ago.


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