Dustin Norman

On the Front Lines: PA Student Dustin Norman

A registered respiratory therapist, PA student Dustin Norman felt compelled to help the Pacific Northwest’s COVID-19 response. For the past eight weeks, he has been studying full time and working 12-hour weekend shifts at the hospital.
Person videocalling with three others

How to Advocate in a Time of Social Distancing

Now more than ever, PAs should be advocating for the profession, sharing their stories with legislators about the critical role PAs play in healthcare delivery. Learn about ways to build and keep up these important relationships when in-person meetings are not an option.
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AAPA Supports the Black Community and Pledges to Combat Racism

We at AAPA are appalled by the killing of George Floyd and the disturbing pattern of continued violence and discrimination against the Black community. These events, along with passionate messages from PAs and PA students, have propelled us to reflect more deeply.
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AAPA Statement on Current National Crisis

AAPA acknowledges that injustice, racism, and inequality have impacted many lives, and we want to deliver a very clear message: We strongly condemn racism in all forms.
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Oklahoma Legislation Allows PAs to Receive Direct Pay

Oklahoma PAs are celebrating a major victory with passage of S.B. 1915 which specifically allows for PAs to receive direct pay. The legislation provides Oklahoma with an element of Optimal Team Practice and modernizes PA practice in the state.