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New CMS Rule Provides Additional PA Practice Flexibility

CMS yesterday released additional regulatory flexibilities for PAs in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The Medicare and Medicaid Programs Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency interim final rule temporarily authorizes PAs to supervise diagnostic tests.
PA listening to her female patient

Working with Survivors of Sexual Violence Presents Unique Challenges

Sexual violence affects every demographic and every community, making it a serious public health concern. Proper identification of sexual violence and treatment is the first line in positive patient outcomes. Healthcare providers need to be aware of sexual violence as a factor for overall wellness.
Nicole S. Cournoyer reviewing a chart

A Day in the Life of PA Faculty and Clinician

Nicole S. Cournoyer, PA-C, faculty member at Thomas Jefferson University, started her career in a community-based oncology office. Teaching patients and family members about disease processes, medications and interventions led to lecturing then teaching full-time at her alma mater.
Case Western Reserve University PA Program faculty and Class of 2021

2020 Outstanding Student Society Focuses on Expanding Access to Care

The Case Western Reserve University Charles L. Hudson Society is AAPA’s 2020 Outstanding Student Society. Last year, CWRU PA students focused on events and activities that promote diversity and expand access to care, especially for underserved groups in their community.