Kyle D. Fortman in front of the Piedmont Marcus Heart and Vascular Center

Crisis Plan for APPs Reduces COVID-19 Exposure and Risk

The Lead APP for Acute Care Services at The Piedmont Heart Institute developed a crisis plan to decrease the APPs’ exposure to and risk of acquiring COVID-19. Kyle Fortman, PA-C, shares several tips regarding crisis planning plus some important lessons learned along the way.

Alphabet Soup: PA Profession Terms, Explained

You’ve made one big life decision: you’re going to be a PA. But what in the world is everyone talking about? We’ve created a cheat sheet for references, shorthand, abbreviations, and acronyms to help you join the conversation.
PA talking

New CMS Waiver Provides Additional PA Practice Flexibility

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services yesterday released additional regulatory flexibilities in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The new waiver authorizes PAs to deliver visits to Medicare beneficiaries in a skilled nursing facility previously required to be provided by physicians.
Molly deButts with shoe boxes

PA Program Organizes Fundraiser to Help Frontline Providers

Molly deButts and her fellow PA students wanted to help their future colleagues, so they partnered with a local running store, fundraised online, and donated 86 pairs of clogs to healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 response.
Braedon Haerling with family talking to his wife and newborn through a window

How COVID-19 Changed Everything for New Parents

Braedon Haertling, PA-C, and his wife, Chelsea, welcomed their first child during the COVID-19 pandemic. “COVID-19 changed everything for us,” he says. “Grandparents, siblings, and cousins…had to meet our little one on FaceTime.” He shared their experience and photos with AAPA.
Brittany Arnett in PPE

PAs on the Front Lines: Brittany Arnett in Pediatrics

Brittany Arnett, PA-C, has been practicing for nine years and works in pediatrics in Clayton, Georgia. She started discussing COVID-19 with her colleagues in late January, weeks before it reached her small town. “This is the most memorable moment in my career,” she says.
PA looking at a paper

Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Clinical Setting

Medical providers such as PAs are often the first point of contact for caretakers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and as such, need to be comfortable speaking about how to identify red flags of ASD, and where to refer caretakers if there is any concern.