Health professional types on a laptop

Hate the Time Spent on EHRs? You’re Not Alone

Despite the promised efficiency of using EHR systems, more than one in four PAs spend at least two hours per day, outside of office hours, documenting clinical care in their EHR system. Here is the good and bad news about EHRs.

MidMichigan Health Demonstrates APP Value Through Leadership

Employer of Excellence MidMichigan Health includes APPs in leadership positions, has a robust dyad council model, provides support through a curbside consult network, offers leadership training at a local university, and promotes a culture of acceptance and value.
Susann Galloway headshot

PA Susann Galloway: Determined, Devoted, and Distinguished

Susann Galloway, PA-C, DFAAPA, has been advancing the PA profession since she graduated from PA school in 1994. A career educator, PA advocate, and healthcare professional, she recently became an AAPA Distinguished Fellow.
PA Rick Kilgore teaches class

PAs: It’s Time to Talk About Suicide

An AAPA HOD resolution recommended greater PA communication and CME about suicide prevention. By being alert, taking the initiative to ask patients about mental health, and educating themselves, PAs have a unique opportunity to help prevent suicide.
PA Tony Adkins sitting with his patient, Crosby

PA Finds His Rhythm as the ‘Dancing PA’

Those who say laughter is the best medicine would likely enjoy dancing alongside Maurice “Tony” Adkins, MPH, PA-C, MCHS. Known by many as the “Dancing PA,” Adkins frequently incorporates some lighthearted dancing during his patient visits at Children’s Hospital of Orange County.
Katherine Wilkens, Kasey Drapeau D’Amato, and Stephen D’Amato posing outside

PA Entrepreneur Develops Popular Skincare Line

Kasey Drapeau D’Amato, a PA in dermatology, used her clinical skills to build a skincare business. Read how D’Amato became an entrepreneur and started Airelle Skincare. She also shares her skincare secrets and advice for PAs who want to start a business.

The Balancing Act

Having the right work-life balance can reduce stress for medical professionals as well as increase on-the-job focus, resulting in high job satisfaction and career success, healthier patients—and a healthier provider. However, maintaining that balance can be more daunting than ever before for those in healthcare.