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HRSA Offers New Loan Repayment Opportunity for PA Students

PA students have been added to the list of health professions eligible for the HRSA National Health Service Corps’ (NHSC) Student to Service Loan Repayment Program. Interested students should visit the NHSC Student to Service page and apply by Nov. 4.

PA Students: How’s Your Mental Health?

Mental health affects everyone, and PA students have faced many challenges over the past year. Stephanie Neary, MPA, MMA, PA-C, and Chris Roman, PA-C, will be hosting an interactive webinar specifically for PA students on the importance of mental health.

The Challenges of PA School During COVID-19

Starting PA school is challenging enough, but what about starting it during a pandemic? PA student Amelia Maurer completed her first year at Quinnipiac’s PA program under COVID-19 restrictions and reflects upon both the challenges and the unexpected opportunities.
Challenge Bowl 2019 participants

PA Students: Don’t Miss These Events at AAPA 2021

Conference may look a little different this year, but that means it’s easier than ever for you to attend! Join us May 23 – 26 for AAPA 2021 (from wherever you may be!) and for these events developed specifically for PA students.

10 Tips and Tricks to Save on Your PA School Budget

Victoria Ho is a second-year PA student at Sacred Heart University in Stamford, Connecticut. Like many of her fellow students, Ho finds herself on a tight budget during PA school. She shares the financial tips and tricks that help her stick to a budget during PA school.
National Medical Challenge Bowl logo

Virtual Challenge Bowl: Not to be Missed in 2021!

We can’t wait for this year’s Challenge Bowl, the must-attend PA student event of AAPA 2021! Get details on how you can register your team, participate in the regional qualifying events, and make it to the virtual stage on May 24.