PA Foundation logo

PA Foundation Announces Scholarship for Black PA Students

The PA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AAPA, is pleased to announce the launch of the Joyce Nichols Memorial Scholarship. A groundbreaker in the PA profession, PA Nichols, who passed away in 2012, was the first woman and the first Black woman to practice as a PA.
Christopher Maday conducting class remotely

How to Stay on Track in PA School During a Global Pandemic

Kristopher Maday, a PA program director in Tennessee, addresses some difficult truths that PA students should consider in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. He shares his tips for both current and prospective students, as well as his own faculty perspective.
Melissa Elist

5 Mental Health Tips for PA Students

Melissa Elist, a second-year PA student, found it challenging to adapt to the new reality of COVID-19. She realized that prioritizing her mental health was an important aspect of getting through a global pandemic and shares five tips for other PA students.
Sunayana Pydah

How COVID-19 Changed My PA School

When PA student Sunayana Pydah left Virginia for California on the way to her ninth rotation, she expected to come back. But her trip coincided with the first spikes of COVID-19 throughout the country. She shares what she experienced during the past few months.
Menerva Yole-Lobe

The Case for Inclusion and Diversity in PA Cohorts

The University of Utah PA Program is committed to inclusivity. It has enriched its curriculum and provided quality education to hundreds of PAs, including those from under-represented minority (URM) communities.
Diana Anderson

The Ups and Downs of My First Year as a PA

When Diana Anderson, PA-C, graduated from her PA program, she landed an exciting job in urgent care. But her first months of practice were filled with unexpected events. She candidly shares the ups and downs of her first year as a PA.
Dustin Norman

On the Front Lines: PA Student Dustin Norman

A registered respiratory therapist, PA student Dustin Norman felt compelled to help the Pacific Northwest’s COVID-19 response. For the past eight weeks, he has been studying full time and working 12-hour weekend shifts at the hospital.
Peggy Walsh, Jonathan Baker, Jamie Sabo, Gregory Burns, Cooper Couch

Put Yourself Out There! Become a PA Student Leader

A PA and student panel at LAS in March shared opportunities for student leadership, including getting involved at a state chapter, applying to the AAPA Student Academy or a commission, or advocating for leadership roles at work. Their message: just put yourself out there!