AAMC study suggests physician-to-PA ratio may fall to 3.5:1 in 2030

The U.S. will face a shortage of between 40,800 to nearly 105,000 physicians by 2030, reports the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The organization recently released the results of its annual projects report, including data on PAs, NPs, and the effect reaching population health goals may have on demand for clinicians.

New MGMA report on PA & NP utilization released

Healthcare industry influencer Medical Group Management Association recently released a new research report and analysis that found 78 percent of better performing medical practices employ PAs and NPs.

More patients… More complex patients

If it seems like you are seeing more patients these days, and that they have more health problems than they used to, that’s because you probably are. The absolute number of patients seeking care is increasing, and many more patients have multiple chronic conditions than they did a generation, or even a decade, ago.