2018 Salary Survey Data Documentation – Public Use File
Henderson D, Smith NE, McCall TC. 2018 Salary Survey Data Documentation. Alexandria, VA: American Academy of PAs: [2021].
Henderson D, Smith NE, McCall TC. 2018 Salary Survey Data Documentation. Alexandria, VA: American Academy of PAs: [2021].
Henderson D, Smith NE, McCall TC. 2019 Salary Survey Data Documentation. Alexandria, VA: American Academy of PAs: [2021].
Henderson D, Smith NE, McCall TC. 2020 Salary Survey Data Documentation. Alexandria, VA: American Academy of PAs: [2020].
Antibiotic stewardship is of paramount concern to clinicians in the United States and abroad. This study looks at factors associated with non-compliance with antibiotic regimens. Improved knowledge can be utilized…
Individuals with cleft palate undergo repair of the palate via primary palatoplasty early in childhood. This study compares speech outcomes in post-palatoplasty patients who underwent two different surgical techniques: Furlow…
Initially designed to improve patient care, the electronic medical record (EMR) system has also led to usability issues. We show that surgeons and advanced practice providers spend excessive time after…
This study investigates risky sexual behaviors among PrEP users 18+ years in the NYC LGBTQ community. Our data can help clinicians better understand factors influencing high risk sexual behaviors among…
This study was aimed at identifying prescribing and counseling biases patients may experience due to their gender. Providers were asked to answer a series of anonymous questions which were then…